Hi there!

My name is Taylor Gibson; or as everybody calls me "GIB" (The Graphic Image Builder)

But for the purposes of this Site you can call me:

And this is my portfolio site.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Game Update

I did a few more tutorials and updated the game.

I managed to expand the map and get the camera to follow the player, eliminated the infinite jump and, in the process, accidentally developed a form of wall jumping.
There's no objective yet but I added a death and respawn function. 
Funny that getting the game to fail and restart is actually easier than just failing and coming to a game over screen. 
The result? Infinite lives.

I also threw in a few secrets and traps based on the low detail artwork.
I can see why so many people make rage games and troll games.
It's so easy to mess with the game mechanics by just turning things on and off.

I'm beginning to get a hang of mechanics and level design.
I'm thinking once I get all the bugs worked out, I might actually attempt to make a real game out of this using original ideas and graphics.



Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Cat Parkour

I've been delving into game design.
Made my first game the other day.

Very simple game. Takes about 30 seconds to play if you're REALLY ambitious
I'll be expanding upon it as I learn more.

Big thanks to "Let's Make A Game Together" for his "Unity Tutorial - 2D Side Scroller (Super Platformer Bros) Episode 1"
AbleGamesDev's "Unity 5 2d Animation Tutorial - Part 1" for the assets.


Saturday, January 6, 2018


It seems it's a common practice on for artists to put one of these up every year so I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Wondering about February? Well, my birthday happens in February and that week "Super Schooled" got "THIS"  for an update.


Twitter @cartoonicus