Hi there!

My name is Taylor Gibson; or as everybody calls me "GIB" (The Graphic Image Builder)

But for the purposes of this Site you can call me:

And this is my portfolio site.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fathers Day

I made this card for my dad for Fathers Day.

It combines his two favorite jokes: The "2 Muffins in the Oven" joke, 
and the "No Soap, Radio" Joke... In case you don't know them.

 Front Cover

Inside Right

New Sonic Comic?

I did a few pages for a theoretical "Sonic The Hedgehog" comic book called:
"Sonic & The Freedom Fighters".

The idea is to kind reboot the Sonic universe so that we tell the story line of the games with the characters of the comics, without getting convoluted from past story arcs.

Sonic here, has just woken up to discover he's not the little, brown, four legged hedgehog he used to be.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Little Indian Girl

Here's a character I came up with one night when my computer was down.

"Sorry Wacom, no drawing tonight."

So I sat down and for the first time in months started doodling with a pencil. 
What kind of character would I draw? I started randomly sketching ideas an before I knew it this had come to pass. 

That is after MUCH trial and error. 

That's right, folks, that's how hard we artists work. Don't think otherwise. 

What's her name? What's her story? I don't know.
But she's a cute little character isn't she? I could certainly see using this for something.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Character Design

Everyone knows about the whole Pirate vs Ninja thing.
I just had to make a pirate ninja.

Son of a pirate ninja and a pirate; half elf, half human. Half ninja, half pirate.

"Ninja Pirate"


Squash & Stretch

Wanted to do some exercises in facial expression


Monday, June 8, 2015

Geek Out 2015

Went to GeekOut 2015 this weekend to promote
"Altrazan" - The Movie Novel Project

GIBWerks Presents Altrazan
If you were at my booth and got a custom cartoon sketch from me, why not post it on our facebook or twitter page?
Or share it on Pinterest. #Cartoonicus