Hi there!

My name is Taylor Gibson; or as everybody calls me "GIB" (The Graphic Image Builder)

But for the purposes of this Site you can call me:

And this is my portfolio site.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

But If You're Me, Then Who Am I?

Sally Acorn from Archie Comics meets Sally Acorn from Fleetway Comics

So for years, I thought that the Squirrel Girl from the Fleetway Sonic comics, referred to as "Sally Acorn" was just a misunderstanding by fans, who didn't understand the difference between the two companies. That the squirrel character was just supposed to be one of the various little animals from Sonic 1 (The squirrel, known as "Ricky".) But apparently, they literally used the name Sally in the Fleetway comic.

Turns out, that Ricky and Sally were both just the male and female versions of the same generic squirrel character, and so when Both Archie and Fleetway made their comics, they just translated the character in tow VERY different ways.

What this also means is that the character of Sally Acorn, and in fact all of the Freedom Fighters, when you think about it, are not actually Archie characters but DIC characters, at the most, and are all under Sega's copywrite and Sega can make this happen ANY TIME THEY LIKE. 

They just won't..